As a consumer, you have a right to privacy and a right to be treated with honesty, dignity, fairness and respect when creditors and debt collectors communicate with you in their attempts to collect debt. In order to get collection calls to cease, you must invoke your rights under the Fair debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA), and Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

Stop Auto-dialed Calls

To stop a creditor or debt collector from using an automatic telephone dialing system to repeatedly or mindlessly call you on your cellular telephone in their attempts to collect debts, you must either:

  1. Tell the creditor or debt collector you have hired LeavenLaw for representation regarding your debt and provide them our contact information;
  2. Write the creditor or debt collector and advise them of attorney representation;
  3. Write a debt collector a cease & desist letter; or
  4. Email the creditor or debt collector, altering your privacy rights.

After you have done any of the above, if that same creditor or debt collector continues to auto or robo-dial your cell phone, you likely have a case that the creditor or debt collector has violated the TCPA. As such, they could be liable to you for up to $1,500.00 per call.

Creditor & Debt Collector Websites: Protect Your Privacy

The staff at LeavenLaw have researched the most frequently encountered creditors and debt collectors, finding both their privacy websites, policies and the method for revoking their consent to call your cellular telephone using an auto-dialer. The websites are divided up between first-party creditors and third-party debt collectors.

Creditors & Debt Collectors

The following creditors and debt collectors may be collecting debt from you. If they are, consistent with instructions received from LeavenLaw please go to the link below to revoke any consent this creditor or debt collectors purportedly has to contact you in their attempts to collect the debt you allegedly owe. This includes, but is not limited to, contacting you on a cell phone using an automatic telephone dialing system. Please make sure to tell such creditor or debt collector:

Please cease contacting me in an attempt to collect the debt I allegedly owe you, including calling my cellular telephone (XXX-XXX-XXXX) using an automatic telephone dialing system.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the LeavenLaw Consumer Law Hotline (727) XXX-XXXX to ask any questions that you may have, or refer your creditor or debt collectors to our office to confirm representation. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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