The attorneys of LeavenLaw are recognized for their experience and diligence in representing debtors in collection matters throughout Florida. The services the Firm provides include pre-suit negotiations and settlement, litigation defense, and exemption planning and counsel needed to make sure your assets are firmly and lawfully protected.
In particular, LeavenLaw is in a unique position to assist a creditor’s position, anticipating their search for non-exempt assets to enforce judgments, so that we can come up with a personalized game plan to combat collection and help you protect your assets for garnishment. The attorneys of LeavenLaw, offer "big firm" experience and competence without the corresponding overhead found in a big firm. In short, our attorneys can make defending a collection against a judgment just as important as defending the judgment, a detail rarely if ever found in the big firms. The Firm has the competence, patience and resources to work with consumers and defend against judgments in a methodical, calculated manner.
Please call us today for a free consultation. (855) 532-8365.